Rainbow Baby- A DIY Maternity Gown

My sister is a photographer in the DFW area. Her best friend is currently pregnant with her fifth baby boy! He is her rainbow baby. For those that aren't familiar with the term... a Rainbow baby is a child born after a miscarriage/loss/stillbirth. Many families are choosing to celebrate their rainbow babies by including the colors into nurseries and their photo sessions. My sister wanted to do that for her friend. Thus, she requested that I make her a Rainbow gown for the maternity session. I was a bit nervous. However, after several ideas we figured out a way of doing this easily on our own. She first purchased a cheap white gown off of Amazon. I took the bottom part of it completely off and kept the top. This helped me know the right size to make the gown. Then, we added long chiffon scarfs and ruffled them. They were sewn on to the original bottom because it was my guide for how wide to make the waist area as well as the length. The finished...