Cotton Market Bag- Test for DoubleNKnits

Spring has sprung! And due to all the pollen and weather shifts I've been fighting allergies and Bronchitis. That and work has left little time for knitting. However, I did get a chance to test this pattern for Jordann C. I've never made a bag or purse before. I was really excited for this project because it was a good knit for spring time. I loved working with this super soft cotton and really enjoyed the pattern. Now, looking back, I did knit the bottom of my bag incorrectly. Oops! I should have stuck to the garder pattern but the stockinette looks nice as well. Jordan said that the stockinette makes it stretch a bit more. So, we shall see what the looks like when we take the bag shopping! Either way, this was a great little project and I enjoyed the simple pattern. It was a quick knit and used a technique of switching needle sizes (love learning new things)... I hope you give this pattern a try once it is released.