Day 1: Trinket Bonnet
Pinterest is a great little place to get lost in. For hours. However, I love when I stumble upon something interesting and fun. Have you ever heard of or participated in the #100daysofknitstitches? I'm new
to instagram so I'm sure this has been around for ages. I'm sure it isn't new to Pinterest either. Regardless, it is new to me and I'm pretty excited about participating. Even if it means...I'm doing it solo for my own enjoyment.
Basically, for the next 100 days, I will try out a new stitch/technique in knitting. I saw several ideas. Most were just knit swatches. I plan on making newborn sized baby bonnets. Obviously, they are my favorite thing to knit. It just makes sense.
Day 1:
I chose to do the Diagonal Seed Stitch. It was the first stitch that caught my eye for the challenge and I thought it would be a good place to start. I'm calling this bonnet the Trinket Bonnet. I really enjoyed how quickly the pattern knit up. It has a great texture!
One thing about this challenge is that I really get to work through some of my endless yarn stash. This has been in a basket, unused, for several years. Such a vibrant color. Glad that it gets to see the light of Summer!
to instagram so I'm sure this has been around for ages. I'm sure it isn't new to Pinterest either. Regardless, it is new to me and I'm pretty excited about participating. Even if it means...I'm doing it solo for my own enjoyment.
Basically, for the next 100 days, I will try out a new stitch/technique in knitting. I saw several ideas. Most were just knit swatches. I plan on making newborn sized baby bonnets. Obviously, they are my favorite thing to knit. It just makes sense.
Day 1:
I chose to do the Diagonal Seed Stitch. It was the first stitch that caught my eye for the challenge and I thought it would be a good place to start. I'm calling this bonnet the Trinket Bonnet. I really enjoyed how quickly the pattern knit up. It has a great texture!
One thing about this challenge is that I really get to work through some of my endless yarn stash. This has been in a basket, unused, for several years. Such a vibrant color. Glad that it gets to see the light of Summer!
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